
Monday, 4 May

Programme and Objectives of SEEDS: Presentation SEEDS
Presentation of FORS (Peter Farago, Director of FORS): FORS_presentation_EN
IDM, CPC, ISPJR, CEMI: Presentations about institutions and people: IDM_SEEDSCPC_Kick off meeting LausanneISPJR presentationCeMI – kick off meeting presentation
FFZG and IES: Presentations about institutions and people: SEEDS kick-off, FFZG institution, people, contextIEN Laussane
ADP: Presentation about the institution and people: 2015_seeds1_pred1_stebe
SERSCIDA: approach, outcomes, instruments, policies and procedures (reflections from ADP, FFZG, IES and FORS): 2015_seeds1_pred2_stebeMapping the SerbiaSERSCIDA working visitsSERSCIDA WP2 and WP3


Tuesday, 5 May

Life of a data archive : Workflow, staff, skills, partnerships, etc. (FORS and ADP examples): FORS DARIS_2015FORSbase2015_seeds1_pred1_vipavc
General concepts: OAIS, DDI, and DSA: OAIS2015_seeds1_pred2_vipavcPresentation_Data Seal of Approval
CESSDA: presentation and discussion (Paul Jackson, Managing Director of CESSDA): CESSDA for EDAF 2 3 2
SEEDS Advisory Board: brief presentations by members and discussion of roles and responsibilities
Establishing new data service infrastructures: Understanding the research setting, possibilities and challenges (brainstorming, comments and discussion); Experiences from FFZG and IES: 2 day – 01 Jan 2014 Policy and HR working sheet_Serbia 23-01-14


Wednesday 6, May

Planning for the project: Work packages, meetings and reporting: SEEDS planing
Administrative issues (contract, budget and reporting)
Outlook: future meetings